The concept of discipline conjues up all kinds of images–punishment, asceticism, regulation, authority or control. For many people, discipline is to be avoiced at all costs. However, solomon teaches us to welcome discipline, especially whe it comes from God.
Norman Bishop
Norm Bishop lives in southeast Kentucky and serves as Assistant Professor of Education at Alice Lloyd College, where he is also developing a Special Education Major. He is also in the final stretch of his doctorate, working on his dissertation for EdD in Educational Leadership! Norm also had a long career as a special education teacher, administrator, and professor working as a consultant for the Arizona Department of Education. He has been blessed with a family of four grown children spread around the country and a wife, Donna. who resides with him in Tucson, Arizona. He has been a devoted Christ-follower since his profession of faith in Christ on November 12, 1968. Writing and teaching are his God-given call, and with the Lord’s assistance he has published computer assisted academic curriculum, curriculum materials, journal articles, grants, children’s short stories and most recently a college course textbook. His Christian ministry has been focused in the area of Children’s christian education, teaching, directing, creating programs and writing biblically-based curriculum.