“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable . . . that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Scripture equips you …
Following Jesus is not a self-serving enterprise, but one of selfless service. And He came and raised her up, holding her hand; and the fever left her, and she served …
Introduction Have you ever seen someone try to experience the benefits of something without doing what was required to gain them? As an onlooker, it can be frustrating watching a …
One of the ways the Holy Spirit ministers to a child of God is to help and give wisdom in every task God asks him or her to do.
Dear Roger, The needy are increasing every day as the coronavirus continues to disrupt everyday life.. I’d like some guidelines on what the Bible says about generosity. Can you help? Many people …
Dear Roger, Last week I helped lead my friend to Christ. It’s the first time I’ve ever done anything like that. She began crying as she confessed her …
The pattern of servant leadership didn’t originate in the New Testament. It was woven into the fabric of creation, all the way back to the original relationship the Lord designed …
Genesis 2:18 “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” NIV I will make….. …a helper …
Dear Roger, Please help me! My family and I belong to a church were cliques are always formed- even the leadership seem to be encouraging it. I’ve held on for …
For decades Kathy and I have profited immensely from the pastoral wisdom of the converted slave trader John Newton. As an 18th century Anglican minister, Newton was a good preacher, …
Do we know how to restore disgraced Christian leaders? Do we emphasize the importance of purity and blameless character of those who lead our congregations? John MacArthur, in his blog …
Do you want to keep a pulse on the next generation of seekers? How do they perceive Christians, and why should it matter to us? The Barna group, in a …
The biblical concept of submission in a marriage relationship is applied as it models the relationship of Jesus and His bride, the church. Negative connotations of submission are dispelled, and …
Paul explains that this marriage and this union of a man and a woman coming together and becoming one flesh was just a picture of something far greater. It is …
The life of John the Baptist expressed how Christ can be reflected powerfully in our lives by being unconventional, uncompromising, bold and truly humble. So John sums up God’s work …
Dear Roger, I have a question regarding a divorce. I married my then spouse for all the wrong reasons. I thought things would change after the marriage, but they …
Got any aches, pains and complaints? Anyone who served in World War II would say, “Sure. It cured everything!” The acronym APC was widely used in the middle of the …
Words like “submit” and “do as you are told” are foreign to our culture. But Jesus said that He did nothing on His own-only what His Father told Him to …
Why is the love of human glory, rather than God’s glory, so contradictory to faith? One is that true faith in Jesus gives all glory to God and none to …
Many have asked the intriguing question, “Why was it right for God to slaughter women and children in the Old Testament? How can that ever be right?” It’s right for …
Jesus embodied the heart of a devoted servant-humble, deferring personal rights to serve others and diligently working to meet the needs of the ones being served.
On a recent trip to the States I had the opportunity to teach about how Animism and Buddhism have influenced Mongolian culture. Mongolia, my home for the last six years, …