Our world is talking theology. They probably aren’t aware of it, but theological conversations permeate the air. One such conversation that has persisted over the past several years has been …
race relations
The Samaritan woman from John 4 gives us a basis for what it looks like to navigate racial, ethnic and cultural differences. www.ocbf.org.
Conversations about race are hard, but they need to happen. How can we handle those talks—and our relationships, too—in a way that infuses them both with understanding and hope? Join …
Today, the need I see for Christian boldness is a little different. It’s not so much that evangelicals are grasping for so-called “Christian America.” Rather, it’s our being drawn into …
How to Discuss Racial Injustice In moments of crisis and conflict, we often wonder, “What can I do?” and, “How do we talk about this?” It can be hard to …
These are hard days for minorities. I have also asked several African American friends what it’s like to see so much tension and a rise in racial profiling and violence. …
Though often well-intended, a commitment to being “color blind” becomes harmful when it fails to recognize the good ways God has filled the world with color. In other words, sometimes …
These days there’s a lot of talk about “unity” in the church. On the one side, there are Christians who insist that any talk of “race” and racism threatens the …
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” Progress is slow on racial reconciliation …
Dear Roger, I am scared. It seems that the world is falling apart and I have so many questions. Like, how will we know who the Antichrist is? Are we …