Imagine what a contemporary spiritual awakening might look like in America, in our church and in our culture? When a Christ Awakening comes, it will bring about a restoration of …
In life, in our history, in our experience and in everything we do, oftentimes a single act of courage is the tipping point for something extraordinary. A single expression or …
Dear Roger, If you accept Jesus into your heart at an early age and then never really do anything in your life that involves Him, and then you die, do …
Are you experiencing contentment? Contentment, true contentment, is a rarity in today’s world. King David pictured contentment in the simplest of terms. David, the Warrior-King of Israel, wrote these words …
What’s the best way for your church to communicate to your congregation? Well, it depends on the church. The world is increasingly a complex melting pot of subcultures. Some churches …
Face it, there are just some things that we don’t like to do. We all have those irritating things that incessantly demand our attention. Every one of us has a …
We were launching a new ministry project in Mongolia. During a board meeting we wrestled with the issue of why our TV ministry was limited only to a single city …
Jesus’ parable of Lazarus and Dives is a glimpse into the afterlife. We learn from Jesus that hell is real and that we can be certain of our eternal destination. Hell …
Have you ever grown or tended a garden? There is strategy involved. Within Matthew chapter 13 – Jesus launches into several parables that focus on this concept of Kingdom growth. …
Deborah was a prophetess who saw God’s plans well in advance and spoke boldly based upon what she heard from God. During a pivotal period in Israel’s history, she summoned …
Events happen in our lives that are jarring or disorienting. It rattles the cage. You get a bad diagnosis or a pink slip or divorce papers and what happens is …
Not everyone in Jesus’ world gave him a warm welcome. Not everyone received him with grace. And many didn’t just ignore him, they rejected him. Isaiah prophesied his reception like …
What are the benefits of sonship, according to Christ’s parable of the prodigal son? Security: we have greater security because we are sons and not hired hands. Access: we don’t …
When it comes to measuring spiritual maturity, it’s about the fruit of the Spirit. If you plant yourself in the right place and let your roots grow deep, your impact …
“How was the night?” asked the nurse. The young man’s weary eyes answered the question before his lips could. It had been long and hard. Vigils always are. But even …
Dear Roger, Did Jesus think about having a sexual relationship? Sincerely, Fred Dear Fred, Did Jesus ever think about having a sexual relationship? Of course, He thought about it. In …
Many couples have personalities and interests that are very different. The first step in dealing with differences in a more effective way is to acknowledge that the differences exist. Early …
If I could teach my children only one thing, it would be to worship God. For when they truly worship God, my children will by nature attend church, seek prayer, …
In a previous blog, I was thinking about our responsibility to admonish one another based on our history of loving that person. While it might not take much planning to …
Years ago I learned a valuable, but painful lesson about admonishing the ones we love. I had befriended a young businessman who aspired to the ministry, and for several years …
Dear Roger, How were years determined in Noah’s days? Sincerely, Member of Casas’ Discovering Christianity Class Dear Member, You are obviously referring to the genealogies in the early part of …
To continue with my theme from the last week’s series of blogs about the resurrection, there’s one more entry I’d like to post about what the resurrection does for us. …
The parable of the vineyard contrasts the hearts of two sons. One is rebellious but repents; the other is compliant but fails to follow through. Actually doing what God desires …
We gain momentum in our spiritual lives when we take the Bible to heart. Jesus teaches how to have a receptive heart in the parable of the soils. Jesus puts …