Imagine four people on four different street corners who simultaneously witness the same automobile accident. We know that their descriptions will not match, because each one saw from a different …
The Apostle Paul writes back to a church that he began to encourage them about remaining faithful amidst opposition and persecution. He celebrates what he’s hearing about indicators that mark …
Lessons from an Anti-Hero The Anti-Hero isn’t a modern invention, thousands of years ago Jonah was the Anti-Hero of his own story. Jonah’s story is in the Bible to hold …
Lessons from an Anti-Hero: Jonah Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to …
Self-awareness is one of the keys to emotional intelligence. It’s also a key to growth. With that in mind, some recent research by the Barna Group through their Barna Cities initiative shows …
Following Jesus in discipleship involves facing opposition boldly and persistently, without being deterred from God’s calling. And looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He …
Let’s do a little Bible study together in I John 2:3-11, and I John 2:15-17 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep …
Are you really a Christian? How do you know that you are really a Christian? The scripture encourages us to test ourselves to see if we are really Christians (II …
Mark’s gospel is a phenomenal short story about Israel’s God, Israel’s King and Israel’s glorious kingdom. The very first sentence of the Gospel of Mark, whether functioning as a title …
Standing for God’s truth is a serious thing. Standing against it carries major repercussions. In this series, Skip Heitzig presents Jude’s call to get in the ring—a call that is …
Dear Roger, How young can you be to ask Jesus to be your Savior? Can a 3 or 4 year old truly believe? Sincerely, Liz Dear Roger, What …
Dr. Russell Moore explains that sharing the Gospel is not complicated. In fact, he can clearly summarize it in three words: “Can you explain the gospel in three words? Someone …
Dear Roger, I have talked to many young pastors who say that to preach the simple message of salvation is outmoded and ineffective in our Post-Christian culture. Some say …
Every few days my youngest daughter, Whitney comes to me with a series of written questions about the Bible. We review the passages together, discuss her understanding of the issues …
This is a guest post from Tom Terry. How do I relate to non-Christians? Every few days my youngest daughter, Whitney comes to me with a series of written questions …
There was a time when going to church is what respectable people did. Two generations ago, every self-respecting citizen went to church, regardless of their desire to be there or …
Russell Moore inspires us as we contemplate our independence: “A few years ago, I stood at the grave of Thomas Jefferson, and wondered. I was in Charlottesville to speak at the …
It’s a challenge you face as a church leader: what do you do with people who only occasionally attend church? Like at Easter or Christmas or special occasions? But infrequent …
There is only one being created in the image of God, in all of creation, and that being is the human being, and that being is the object of God’s …
It’s a challenge you face as a church leader: what do you do with people who only occasionally attend church? Like at Easter or Christmas or special occasions? But infrequent …
All religions: Hinduism, Islam, New Age, Mormonism, Scientology-have some truth and beauty but are not the same. Christianity is far different because a holy, mighty God freely gives the gift …
Dear Roger, I decided to read through the Bible from beginning to end. I just came to Psalm 22 and was struck by how closely this Psalm paralleled Jesus’ experience on the cross. Could …
Why do we call people without Christ “lost?” Dr. John MacArthur teaches us why the cross is foolishness to the unbeliever: “Unregenerate sinners are completely lost. Unaided and unilluminated, in his …
“Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.” This classic quote, misattributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, is both clever and catchy. It just isn’t biblical. Evangelism—communicating …
Dear Roger, I’d like to understand more about the … Christmas Star. Sincerely, G Dear G, Let’s talk about the Star itself and what it might be. Then, let me …
Dear Roger, I am shocked and disappointed. I have been to several dynamic, growing churches who end a service and asked if anyone in the audience wanted to “pursue a …
I know what you are afraid of. I’ve been there myself. I understand what it means to have spiritual fear. Maybe you’e never heard it put that way before, but you …
Many say that Christians who maintain the historic, traditional doctrines are behind the times, are too exclusive, and are “on the wrong side of history.” Two recent books that cast …
How many times have you been with someone and sensed a natural opening in the conversation to talk about the Lord, but you didn’t know how to begin or exactly …
Church leaders who have been around for the last few decades know this ain’t the 1960s! Christians simply aren’t attending church as frequently today as they did in the past. Thom …
Evidence does, indeed, show that Jesus lived. The question is, will you believe it? At this point we’re not even addressing the question of whether Jesus was God in human …
Dear Roger, Our pastor mentioned Enoch in his Sunday sermon. I’ve never heard of him. He was teaching on the book of Jude and I never read much about either …
Many years ago when our church began revitalization, we prayed and asked God whom he was calling us to reach. The answer we felt God impressing upon us then was …
Ask Roger
Will Billy Graham and Bill Bright Be the Two Witnesses in Revelation?Witnesses in RevelationWill Billy Graham and Bill Bright Be the Two Witnesses in Revelation?
Dear Roger, With the passing of Billy Graham, I have wondered a lot about the verse in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the …
What do you do when a non-believer asks you for prayer? Your co-worker has just shared with you that her son is battling a drug addiction. You press in and …
Do you want to experience true happiness? God’s Word gives us seven ways to be happy in Him. 1. God’s Immeasurable Love for Us In Ephesians, Paul prays that the …
True peace is the fruit of being confident in God’s love; it is born of the revelation that, regardless of the battle, “Greater is He who is in you than …
Twice the Apostle John tells us that Christmas happened: the Son of God became a human being to take away sin, or to destroy the works of the devil, namely, …
What do you want out of your Christian experience? If you’re like most people you might answer that you are looking for peace, strength during difficulties, or even some level …
Generational tension. What I want to do for a few minutes is I want to talk to the older generation. You may say, “Am I in the older generation?” If …
The three parables of the lost sheep, the lost son, and the lost coin all involve something or someone lost, found, rejoicing and celebration in being found. Jesus is the …
Dear Roger, How should one witness to a friend that was raised Roman Catholic and is starting to go towards Islam? I don’t know how to really witness to him, …
Dear Roger, I moved to a new place a year ago this past June 11th. Since I moved here, I have met many people and have friends that don’t believe …