Every new year, we make decisions about who we want to be. We make resolutions; we set goals. But often these goals are focused on ourselves. Losing weight, saving money …
Drs. Roger Barrier and Chet Weld discuss why anxiety and stress are produced by misplaced priorities and worldliness. Get back to the basics.
While abused children and victims of spousal battering have been the topics of widespread study, elder abuse has been relatively hidden until recently. The typical victim of elder abuse is …
We should each be able to go to bed every night and reflect back on the day and know that we took at least one action to move us a …
A bucket list is a list of things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. They are typically out-of-the-ordinary experiences, not mundane, predictable ones. For instance, you wouldn’t include maintain …
More often than not, we’re pretty good with beginnings. However, a lot of times we seem to hate endings. In stating that, I need to clarify there are a whole …
As you reflect upon last year, what has become your “place of residence”? For Matthew, his choice was to step away from the tax table and follow Jesus. What is …