Dear Roger, What will happen to the people who miss the Rapture? Will they still be able to become Christians? Will the pain and suffering during …
“Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” Colossians 4:6 NLT “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is …
Dear Roger, Greetings. Does the Bible really mean that we will be judged and punished in heaven for our sins? As a Christian, I did “big” wrong things that …
Dear Roger, I volunteer in Sunday school and recently overheard some of the kids say they wanted to be baptized. I was baptized as a Christian when I was still …
“Happy Father’s Day!” Daughters, do those words invoke images of love and acceptance, or neglect and abuse? Here’s a Bible character who could be nominated for Worst Dad Ever. “Here’s …
Hi Roger, I have a small group I am teaching, actually three of my best friends, one a Catholic, one a Lutheran, and one an alcoholic. They really need …
Paul describes his own religious credentials in Acts 22, and Philippians 3. However, when we read the story of his conversion, we know him only as a leader in a …
Dear Roger, How should one witness to a friend that was raised Roman Catholic and is starting to go towards Islam? I don’t know how to really witness to him, …