Christ condemning the fruitless fig tree and temple were both acts that illustrated the sad spiritual condition of the nation of Israel. The call for us as Christ-followers is to remain dependent on Him to allow Him to produce the fruit through His strength and empowerment and not just our effort. That’s grace at work-restoring us to be producing fruit that lasts.

Jack Schull
Jack Schull is the Lead Pastor at Elements City Church. Jack and Amy have been married since 1995 and have 3 children. They love doing things as a family and are avid University of Arizona sports fans #BearDown Jack has a Communication degree from the University of Arizona, a Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Gateway Seminary and has been in ministry since 1990. He has served as a Student Pastor and then Associate Teaching Pastor at Casas Church before helping launch Elements City Church in 2013. He has a passion to help people ‘know Jesus better’ & take next steps in their journey of faith. (Ephesians 1:17) He enjoys golf, sports, music, travel, good books, lattes and dad jokes.
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