Christ’s preaching to the “spirits in prison” between His death and resurrection is interpreted in four possible ways: Jesus ministers through His disciples to the lost on earth (Ephesians 2:17). He preaches through the prophets as in the days of Noah (1 Peter 1:11). He preaches to the dead so they have a second chance. Or, He visits the fallen angels in Tartarus (Hell) who were banished by God in Genesis 6.

Stanley Toussaint
Dr. Stanley Toussaint is a world-renown authority on the New Testament. He taught as Senior Professor in Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary, and served as former president of the Western Bible Institute in Denver, Colorado.He also pastored for twenty years. Dr. Toussaint earned both his Th.M and Th.D. degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary. An editor, author, teacher, and conference speaker, he has taught in Christian schools in the Middle East, Australia, and the Far East and has ministered in the pulpit literally around the world.
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