We all know how easy it is for friends to show up when times are good. But, all of us need people in our lives that show up and who are there for us when times are hard. God is always with us and will strengthen us in hard times, but that doesn’t change our need to be with people we love. Join us as we learn how to be there for the people in our lives and the impact that it can have.

Jeff Jones
Pastor Jeff Jones is senior pastor of Chase Oaks Church, a cutting-edge multi-campus megachurch in Plano, Texas. After high school and before college, Jeff traveled with Child Evangelism Fellowship to Eastern Europe for several months. He worked behind the iron curtain, training and resourcing children's workers. Working with persecuted believers would mark Jeff's life forever, seeing believers who literally gave everything-even their freedom-to serve Christ. Jeff attended Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama and was also very active in ministry in his home church in Huntsville as well as his college church in Birmingham. It was during these college years that Jeff met Christy, who a few years later became his wife. After graduating from college, they decided to attend Dallas Theological Seminary, and their biggest prayer request was a place of ministry that would take their development as leaders seriously. God opened that door by providing an internship position with Fellowship Bible Church North (now known as Chase Oaks Church). In May of 1993, Jeff graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary. Shortly after graduation Jeff and Christy moved and eventually headed north to Alexandria, Minnesota. They served on staff at a fast-growing church plant that wanted Jeff to bring some of the Fellowship concepts of small groups and leadership development. Jeff and Christy stayed there until the fall of 1994, when Gene Getz (then senior pastor) and Bruce Miller (then Associate Pastor) invited Jeff to come back to Fellowship to work in adult education and help launch the Center for Church-Based Training, an organization that helps churches around the world disciple believers and develop leaders. Jeff worked with a team of people to write, edit and field test the Discovery Series, a spiritual growth curriculum that hundreds of churches are now using across the country. He also led our internship program and helped build a leadership development strategy for leaders at Fellowship. During that time period, Jeff became part of the SALT team or management team of the church. He also began to preach increasingly regularly in Gene's absence. In 2000, Gene and the elders approached Jeff about becoming Gene's successor when he planned to retire. Jeff and Christy accepted and the mentoring process began. In November of 2003, Gene announced his retirement and felt confident that Jeff was ready to assume full responsibilities as Senior Pastor. Jeff was officially installed as new Senior Pastor on the weekend of January 9/11, 2004. Jeff's passion is seeing Chase Oaks continue to be all that God has called it to be: a fully-functioning church that aggressively shines Christ's light to the community and equips believers to fulfill God's calling in their lives.