I began to understand basic concepts relating to God, sin and the need for a Savior from local church bus ministries and the occasional church visit with family.
Providentially, two events caused my ponderings of the gospel to become experiential: the tragic loss of a girlfriend from an improper relationship and an altercation with a local resident. The circumstances surrounding those events caused me, for the first time, to see my sin next to the holiness of God. I was living a double life, motivated to do right so that the great god over karma would allow me success in basketball. Fame, fortune and notoriety were my gods.
Through the Holy Spirit’s efficacious work in the preached Word, I was convinced of my guilty status before God and my need for Christ’s righteousness. By His grace, I repented of my idols and believed in Jesus Christ. I made a public profession of faith and joined Macedonia Baptist Church by believer’s baptism. As God would have it, this was the very church that faithfully provided opportunities for me to hear the gospel. I was dead in my sin and transgressions, but Christ purchased me so that it is no longer I that live but Christ who lives in me. Since that time I have been growing in my relationship with Christ, ever seeking to exalt and glorify Him rather than myself. I now faithfully seek His face daily through fellowship, prayer and Bible study.
Hope for The Village Church
My hope is that people would be able to answer the question, "What does the gospel create?" by gazing at the local church.