Pastor Rick Warren shares his insights on the ups and downs of ministry for his lifelong service to Christ at Saddleback Church with moderator Carey Nieuwhof..
Carey Nieuwhof is teaching and the founding pastor of Connexus Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is our primary communicator on Sunday mornings, is passionate about leading people into a relationship with Christ. He served as Lead Pastor until 2015 when he transitioned to a teaching pastor role to focus more on communication and expanding Connexus’ broader ministry. He is the author of several books, including his latest, Lasting Impact: 7 Powerful Conversations That Will Help Your Church Grow.
In his spare time, Carey speaks to church leaders around the world about leadership, change and personal growth. He writes one of today’s most widely read church leadership blogs at and hosts the top-rated Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast where he interviews some of today’s best leaders.
He and his wife, Toni, live north of Barrie and have two grown sons.
Check out Carey’s personal blog at www.careynieuwhof.comcnieuwhof@connexuschurch.comoffice | 705 721 9090 ex 225