The other day I read a statement that was peculiar. The statement went something like this, “If an atheist does acts that are kind, loving and generous, (because it is just who they are), are not their actions at least as kind, loving and generous as a religious person who does them out of service to God?” Can you be a good person separate and apart from God?
I believe that we are all created in the image of God. In Genesis, God said that His creation, mankind, was very good. Then God gave us, His creatures, created in His image, dominion over His good planet. Note just good, not very good. Then mankind disobeyed God and broke the harmony that was between God and man. Man, whom God created in his own image, brought hurt and destruction to the world.
All people, weather religious or not are created in the image of God, so it should be no surprise that the irreligious people can also do kind, loving and generous deeds. A friend read a book with the title, Killing. The main topic of conversation was how opposed to killing other people mankind really is. In every culture in the world, we see families taking care of each other, friends helping and encouraging each other as well as other evidence of kind, loving, and generous behavior.
Paul writing to the church in Rome comparing the Jews who knew God and had His law, to the Gentiles who did not stated:
Romans 2:14-15 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness.
If then those who know God can exhibit characteristics of the image of God and those who claim there is no God can exhibit those same characteristics, what is the big deal? The big deal is that man broke harmony with God and a rebellious nature corrupted him. So, while he retained the ability to do good, he had a selfish nature and a propensity to evil. This is the root cause of all the hurt and devastation that is in the world today.
If man can know what is right and not do it, how can he possibly hope to restore harmony with God? He can’t. He is doomed to live a short time on this planet and then an eternity in hell, a place of torment. This is what man’s behavior has earned him. We cannot do anything to help our situation. This is why one of my favorite Bible verse starts, “For God so loved the world.” We could do nothing about it, but God did. The other part of that verse is,” that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God sent Jesus to live with us for a while and then to die on a cross in payment for our sins. Then Jesus took back his life, rose from the dead, and provides the way that God can welcome us back in harmony with Him. He loves us! The longer I live, the more amazing that becomes.