The Role of Angels in the New Earth

by Julie Barrier & Randy Alcorn

Under God’s direction, angels serve us on Earth (Hebrews 1:14). Michael the archangel serves under God, and the other angels, in various positions, serve under Michael (Daniel 10:13Revelation 12:7). In Heaven, human beings will govern angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3).

It’s a bit difficult to know the role angels will have on the New Earth. I assume they will be visible, though even that’s not certain. Presumably, their role as servants of those who will inherit salvation (though on the New Earth that will already have happened) would continue in keeping with God’s purpose for them. 

I see the present Heaven as primarily the home of angels from the time they were created, and the temporary home of human believers between their deaths and resurrections. In contrast, the future Heaven on the New Earth will be primarily the home of humans. Perhaps it will become just as much the home of angels, though their intrinsic nature as spirit beings and not physical makes it an interesting concept. Humans were made from the Earth and for life on the Earth, which is different than angels. (However, we know that angels can exist in a physical world because they exist in this one, not just in Heaven. In fact, angels sometimes, perhaps often, take on human form, as Hebrews 13:2 makes clear.)

The marriage of the God of Heaven with the people of Earth will also bring the marriage of Heaven and Earth. There will not be two universes—one the primary home of God and angels, the other the primary home of humanity. Nothing will separate us from God, and nothing will separate Earth and Heaven. Once God and mankind dwell together, there will be no difference between Heaven and Earth. Earth will become Heaven—and it will truly be Heaven on Earth. The New Earth will be God’s locus, His dwelling place. This is why I do not hesitate to call the New Earth “Heaven,” for where God makes His home is Heaven. The purpose of God will at last be achieved: “To bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ” (Ephesians1:10).

Not only will God come to dwell with us on Earth, but He will also bring with Him the New Jerusalem, an entire city of people, structures, streets, walls, rivers, and trees that is now in the present, intermediate Heaven. If you’ve ever seen a house being relocated, you appreciate what a massive undertaking it is. God will relocate an entire city—Heaven’s capital city, the New Jerusalem—from Heaven to Earth. It’s a vast complex containing, perhaps, hundreds of millions of residences. He will bring with it Heaven’s human inhabitants and angels as well.

I think the angels’ roles on the New Earth, where there is no danger, shift from protection to guidance. The fact that they have served us on Earth will make meeting them in Heaven particularly fascinating. They may have been with us from childhood, protecting us, standing by us, doing whatever they could on our behalf (Matthew 18:10). They may have witnessed virtually every moment of our lives. Besides God Himself, no one could know us better.

I envision us getting to know angels, including the ones who were directly engaged in our lives and perhaps did battle with demons on our behalf, as depicted in Daniel. Perhaps they will be our assistants and guides and explain some of what they observed happen to us on the old earth. Maybe they will fill us in on “the rest of the story.”  They might have inside information even though they too will be newcomers to the New Earth. Certainly, they will have ancient knowledge of the person of God and His ways, not yet known to us. The angels will be able to recount the creation of the original universe (Job 38:1-7).

What will it be like not only to have them show us around the intermediate Heaven but also to walk and talk with them on the New Earth? What stories will they tell us, including what really happened that day at the lake fifty years ago when we almost drowned, or that time thirty-five years ago when we avoided a fatal car crash? They’ve guarded us, gone to fierce battle for us, served as God’s agents in answer to prayers. How great it will be to get to know these brilliant ancient creatures who’ve lived with God from their creation! We’ll consult them as well as advise them, realizing they too can learn from us, God’s image-bearers. Will an angel who guarded us be placed under our management?

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2). Perhaps we’ll be welcomed into the homes not only of people but also of angels, who will reciprocate the hospitality we showed them on the old Earth.

Don’t you look forward to meeting them and asking them questions?

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