Pursuing God’s Heart: Praying His Prayers

by Beth Moore

Much of the Word applies specifically to the battles we face. However, the Bible consists of sixty-six books. My point? The Bible has much to say about fighting the good fight of faith and becoming well-trained soldiers . . . but it also has far more to say about the pure pursuit of God, His righteousness, and His plan for us. I believe a wise conclusion to draw from the emphases in the Word of God is: give much time and thought to becoming well-equipped victors in the battle that rages, but give more time to the pursuit of the heart of God and all things concerning Him. Much about warfare. More about God Himself.

I think sometimes God must listen to our pitifully small acclamations and expectations of Him in prayer and want to say, “Are you talking to Me? I’m not recognizing Myself in this conversation. Are you sure you have the right God?” According to the prophet, “There is no one like You. You are great: Your name is great in power. Who should not fear You, King of the nations? It is what You deserve. For among all the wise people of the nations and among all their kingdoms, there is no one like You” (Jer. 10:6-7). Believe it or not, the ultimate goal God has for us is not power but personal intimacy with Him. Yes, He wants to bring us healing, but more than anything, He wants us to know our Healer. The prophet, Jeremiah, said, “I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord. They will be My people, and I will be their God because they will return to Me with all their heart” (Jer. 24:7).

Prayers to Offer Today:


Thank You, Jesus that You’ve given us “authority to overcome all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19).

Jesus, we rejoice in our victories over evil and that our “names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20).

Dear God, we are grateful that “the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4).


We have not completely overcome the enemy. Lord, forgive us for allowing the enemy to maintain strongholds in our lives.

We do not always walk in truth. Cleanse us, God, for submitting ourselves to deception and wickedness rather than Your miraculous power.

Our churches often do not pursue God’s heart. Jesus, we repent of not making You the focus.


Lord, may we see sinners repent and witness dramatic conversions, according to Your Word: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31-32)

Dear God, as we seek victory over evil, might we sing with the psalmist: “I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame” (Ps. 44:6-7).

Jesus, as we pursue victories over evil might we discipline ourselves: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded” (James 4:7-8).

Praying for A Christ-Awakening: Relationship Press, p. 65-66.




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