Every one of us struggles at one time or another with the desperate need for direction in life. What should we do? David’s answer was simple. He prayed. And we can learn from his prayer in Psalm 25.
Every one of us struggles at one time or another with the desperate need for direction in life. What should we do? David’s answer was simple. He prayed. And we can learn from his prayer in Psalm 25.
Brad Tuttle is head of the Brad Tuttle Ministries. He has a passion for evangelism that opened the door for him to travel internationally with the Power Team ministry, bringing a powerful testimony of forgiveness and hope through Jesus Christ to the world. Brad’s unique ministry style has continued over the past 25 years and has been used to introduce hundreds of thousands of men, women, teenagers, and children across North, South and Central America, Cuba, Great Britain, and Africa to the message of Jesus Christ and His atoning work on the cross. He is the founder of Brad Tuttle Ministries (www.bradtuttleministries.com ) and Team Xtreme. Brad is also an Honorably Discharged veteran of the Armed Forces, and a former All-natural National Powerlifting Champion. If you would like to get to know more about Brad or would like him to speak at your church, conference, or evangelistic outreach please go to www.bradtuttleministries.com