How to Deal with Roadblocks and Resistance

by Randy Carlson

When you set out with intention to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, you are going to face resistance and encounter roadblocks. They are inevitable.

Take Nola Ochs, for example. Her husband passed away in 1972, and she figured she would be gone soon after. For five years, she sat around, waiting to die. But then she decided she wasn’t done – and started living with intention.

First, it was tennis lessons. Then a few college courses, and soon she was pursuing a bachelor’s degree. At age 95 she became the oldest college graduate. Still not done, she earned her master’s degree at 98 years of age.

When you come to a roadblock, do you quit and go home, or find another way to reach your destination? “One thing I do,” the Apostle Paul said, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me” (Philippians 3:13-14).

Roadblocks may be unexpected, but resistance is a constant from birth to death, and it takes many curious forms:

  • Fear. Don’t allow fear to overcome your intentions. “All men are afraid in battle,” General George Patton said. “The coward is one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty.”
  • Criticism. Parents, teachers, employers and friends can beat you down. But if your goal is God-given, refuse to be derailed.
  • Perfectionism. The message that you’re never good enough will sabotage your progress if you take your eyes off the prize and focus on your own shortcomings.
  • Success. Sometimes success comes so early that it acts as a detriment. If you feel like a “one-hit wonder,” remember that with Christ, your future is always brighter than your past (Jeremiah 29:11).
  • Age. Perhaps the greatest lie of all is that you’re all washed up. Nola didn’t believe it, and neither should you.

When you lean into life instead of lying back, you won’t be knocked off your feet by hardship or crisis. Commit your way to God, and press toward the goal He has for you, no matter what.


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